James Dantic, Dr.
James Dantic, Dr.
Associate Professor and Student Teaching Coordinator

James Dantic, Ed. D. Associate Professor of Education and Student Teacher Coordinator Joined Campbellsville University January 2021 Previous Employment Associate Professor, Eastern Kentucky University College of Education 2015 – 2020 Director, Model Laboratory School 2003 – 2014 Instructional Supervisor, Model Laboratory School 2001 – 2003 High School Social Studies and English Teacher, Model Laboratory School 1995 – 2001 Recognitions and Awards Best Paper Award, International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education, “Perspectives of Program Completers on the Effectiveness of Education Program on Teaching Preparedness” 2018. 2016, 2018 and 2019 Recognition for Outstanding Instructor of EKU First Year Course One of fifty United States teachers recognized with a Toyota International Teacher Award and instructional tour of Japan, 2001 Research Area Clinical Practice in Pre-service Teacher Preparation Publications Petrilli, P., Hodge, C., Burns, A., Dantic, J., Hodge, H. (September, 2019). Clinical Practice: Innovative Partnership Preparing Highly Effective Teachers. The Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools. Vol. 12 (2). Peer Reviewed Burns, A., Dantic, J., Hodge, C., Petrilli, P. (2018). Perspectives of program completers on the effectiveness of education program on teaching preparedness. Journal of Learning in Higher Education. Vol 14 (1). Peer Reviewed Dantic, J. (2009). What are we packing for their trip: International travel and its value in preparation of teachers and students for tomorrow’s environment? The Kentucky Middle School Journal Vol 1, 55 – 59. Dantic, J. (1998). The Kentucky volunteer foot soldier in the Mexican War: A social history of Company B, Second Regiment, Kentucky Infantry Volunteers. Kentucky Historical Society Register, Vol 95(3), 237 – 283. Peer Reviewed Presentations Ball, S., Dantic, J., Davis, R., Hodge, C., Petrilli, P., Burns, A. (2019). Innovative School-University Partnership: Making a Difference in Together in P-12 Academic Achievement. National Association of Professional Development School. Atlanta, GA. Peer Reviewed Burns, A., Hodge, C., Dantic, J., Petrilli P. (2019). Clinical Practice: A Critical Piece of Teacher Preparation. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada. Peer Reviewed Petrilli P., Hodge, C., Burns, A., Davis, R., Dantic, J. (2019). Tracking and Assessing Completers in the Field-From Innovative Clinical Partnership to Success in the Field. Council for the Accreditation Of Educator Preparation Conference. Denver, CO. Peer Reviewed Petrilli, P., Hodge C., Burns, A., Dantic, J., Davis, R. (2018). Innovative School-University Partnership: Making a Difference in P-12 Academic Achievement Together. National Association of Professional Development School. Jacksonville, FL. Peer Reviewed Burns, A., Dantic, J., Hodge, C., Petrilli, P. (2018). Perspectives of Program Completers on the Effectiveness of Education Program on Teaching Preparedness. International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education. Nashville, TN. Peer Reviewed Burns, A., Dantic, J., Hodge, C., & Petrilli, P. (2018). How do program completers really feel about education program effectiveness. Eastern Kentucky University Pedagogicon: Student Centered Teaching & Learning Poster Session. Richmond, KY. Hodge, C., Petrilli A., Davis, R., Dantic, J. (2018). An Effective Clinical Model in Action. Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators Conference. Lexington, KY. Burns, A., Dantic, J., Hodge C., Petrilli, P. (2018). Measuring Effectiveness of a Clinical Education Program. Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators. Panama City, FL. Peer Reviewed Burns, A., Dantic, J. (2018). The School Leader’s Role in Improving School Literacy Practice. Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Conference. Louisville, KY. Petrilli, P., Hodge C., Dantic, J., Davis, R. (2017). Innovative Clinical Apprenticeship for Preparation of Teachers-A Mutually Beneficial and Successful Clinical Partnership. Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, St. Louis, MO. Peer Reviewed Dantic, J. & Willis, S. (2013). Model Behavior: Cultivating Cross Curriculum, Intergrade, and Interdepartmental Professional Relationships in Schools and Colleges of Education. International Association of Laboratory Schools Annual Conference. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. Dantic, J. & Lemmon, M. (2011). Creating a Helpful Roadmap for Cultivating International Exchanges. International Alliance for Invitational Education World Conference. Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY. Dantic, J. (2010). A Vision of Excellence for the 21st Century.” Presented at National Association of Laboratory Schools National Conference. Ball State University, Muncie, IN. Dantic, J. (2007). American Schools and Culture. International Summer Academy. University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC. Dantic, J. (2006). Secondary Education in the United States. International Summer Academy. University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC. Dantic, J. & Melrood, E. (2000). Architecture, Art and History: A Collaborative Unit of Study addressing local architecture from an artistic and historical approach. National Association of Laboratory Schools Southeastern Regional Conference. Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY. Dantic, J. & Rhodus, R. (1999). History Repeats Itself in English Class. Joint National Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English and the National Council of Social Studies. Washington, D.C. Peer Dantic, J., Dedic, L. & Rhodus, R. (1998). “History Repeats Itself in the English Class. Southeast Regional Conference of the National Association of Laboratory Schools. Berry College, Mount Berry, GA. Education Ed. D in Instructional Leadership & Policy, Eastern Kentucky University 2013 Kentucky Certificates in Secondary Teaching, Principalship, Supervisor of Instruction, Director of Pupil Personnel and Superintendent, Eastern Kentucky University 1995 – 2008 Master of Arts in History, University of Kentucky 1990 Bachelor of Arts in History, Centre College 1987